Custom Orders
Please click the link below to place a custom order with Robe Athletics!
Designing your team’s custom leotard should not be hard.
We are here to make it as simple as possible.
Our Competition Leotards Range in price and will need a quote
depending on what you want but some basic guidelines are as follows….
- Sublimated only leotards- Starting at $ 40 -
These are typically for club warmup leos, Expo leos, camps & giveaways
Fancy backs will be additional charges
- Tank Competition Leotards- Starting at $ 90 -
These are typically Tank style with various backs with added gems. They can be sublimated, lycra, mystique, or chintz fabric.
- Long Sleeve Competition Leotards- Starting at $ 190 -
These can be any combination of Sublimated, lycra, mystique, chintz and mesh fabrics. With or without stones.
Order must be paid in full prior to placing
Shipping in 8 weeks
- Mesh - $ 5
- Name in Stones - $ 5
- Add Lining - nude or white - $ 2
- Stones - $ 10/ side
- Matching Scrunchies are included with all leos
- Minimum orders of 25 leotards
- 10 % off for 100 leotards or more of same design ONLY
- 15 % off for 200 leotards or more same design ONLY